2013年1月3日 星期四

This Morning

This morning
This morning, I wake up at 02:00, feeling clear to read "English 4u空中美語". Isn't "jet lag"?
Every Friday, my retired old friends get together to read English magazine. I was absent for five months, preparing the courses of this week better late than never.
" Your pronunciation improved a lot ,right ?"
"Not yet ,in the San Francisco Bay Area, we didn't speak English. Because lots of Chinese live in there."
For the aged, open our mind to learn anything and keep our body in good conditions. Being an independent character is necessary.
今天早晨,我在兩奌醒來,感覺頭腦清醒,便讀了空中美語4U,這是不是" 時差? "
" 你現在英語說得很流利吧? "
" 還沒有,在舊金山灣區住的華人很多,我們不必說英語。"

