2013年2月11日 星期一

Following my Mind

Following my mind
During the days, we cleaned the house in order to sweep away any ill- fortune and to make way for good coming luck. We worshiped our ancestors for thanking, blessing and celebrating the Chinese New Year coming. We thought about what could we do to improve our life and where will we go in the future.
I remembered when I was thirty years old, I had a good job and became a wife and a mother. I was independent and responsible in mind.
At forty, I knew how to do the right things, no doubts.
At fifty , I wondered if Heaven helps those who help themselves.
At sixty, I did my best ,but no more longing for giving back.
Now I just turn seventy, I hope to live following my mind and wish my soul feeling free like air.

1 則留言:

  1. 嗯! 隨心所欲 快樂 自由地過自己想要的生活! 讚
