2013年7月27日 星期六

A Colorful Spring Playing

A Colorful Spring Playing
It's hot in summer night, sitting on the grass in Guang-Ming park to watch the colorful spring playing is great. The colorful spring plays to dance following with the songs. My favorite songs are Fenq Fei-Fei's " Hearing the thunderous applause." And " I want to fly with you."
She is a famous singer in Taiwan and Asia ,was born in Taoyuan . The local people love her and are proud of her achievement. When she passed away, they paid honor to her to singing her songs on-air with dancing spring every night.
The first song sang," When I stand on the platform hearing the thunderous applause ,I am so excited, even through many ups and downs ,I am still your darling.-------" The next song sang, " Would you live a happy life ? I want to fly with you.---------- "
Guang-Ming park ,the name means a bright and cheerful park ,there are adopted by the companies in the neighborhood ,to provide for helping. The park is clean ,bright and safe all the day. Even the nights, people are still active at the park.
天氣炎熱的夏天晚上,坐在光明公園的草地上,觀看多彩多姿的噴泉表演是很棒的事。彩色噴泉隨著歌聲起舞,我最喜歡的歌是鳳飛飛的 "掌聲響起 "和 "我想跟你一起飛 ".

