2012年11月18日 星期日

Take a Vacation

Take a vacation
  " How are you going to spend your vacation?"
  "Let's plan a vacation trip to the snowy mountain,living in a cabin for several days."
Jeany and p.c.invited us to get a trip on vacation.
 " Why do you want to live in a cabin? It's not convenient."
 " Because we could experience early immigrant life to understand them how to work hard in snowy winter."
 "Wow,you spend lots of money to experience poor life."
I bothered that  I prefer saving money to experience poor life. Though enjoying in the sunshine at home is better than shivering with cold in the snowy mountain ,however sunshine is free. Life is beautiful but not always comfortable.I haven't romantic imagination for a long time.
Many years ago,I invited my mother- in-law to travel in the mountain .
She said," I grew up in the mountain for eighteen years, I wonder why can you appreciate so much ?" Time flies, I am coming to the boring time.
" 你們預計怎麼度假? "
" 讓我們計畫一個度假旅遊,到雪山住小木屋幾天如何? "
Jeany 和PC邀請我們一起去度假旅遊。
" 你們為什麼要去住小木屋?那不方便。"
" 因為我們可以體驗早期移民生活,了解他們在冬天冰雪中如何艱困求生? "
" 哇!你們花那麼多錢去體驗窮困生活。"
許多年前,我邀請婆婆到山中旅行。她說," 我成長於山中十八年,我很想知道為什麼你玩得這麼高興? " 時光飛逝,我已經到了這無趣的年齡了。

