2017年12月8日 星期五

A Letter to Santa from a Grandmother

A letter to Santa from a grandmother
Dear Santa :                                                                   December 8, 2017
Ken ,my oldest and hardest-working grandson, is responsible for his future .His dream is to grow up to be taller and more intelligent like NBA basketball star, Jeremy Lin.
Terry , a smart and warm-hearted boy ,deserves a heathy and happy life for all his fighting. Please give him the power to be strong and wise.
Morris is a sweet boy, but he needs to focus on school's courses more than electric games .He has figured out how to improve his school work and build his confidence.
Fanny ,a serious and leading girl, arranges all of her work well,if she keeps smiles ,
she will be a charming and beautiful girl.,
Miles and Herbert were born in America and have received their education of both western and eastern cultures. They need to learn how to get together in peace instead of fighting.
Please look after my dear grandchildren and light up their ways ahead.
                                                                                      Sunny with affection                        