Foster City is a beautiful,young city, designed for living a happy life.
In fact,the great lake is an artificial lake and the river is a canal. This is a part of SanFrancisco Bay area, the sea water flowing in and out,but peaceful and calm.Various kinds of water birds are gathering,white storks flying in the breeze always catching my eyes.Many pretty houses stand around the Bay shore,the chimneys on their sloping roofs.In the beautiful gardens,the colorful roses are in full bloom ,and apple trees,cherry trees,lemon trees are plenty of fruits.Walking in the scenery is like into the twinkling Christmas card.
福斯特巿 ( 1 )
You gave a detail description of what you had seen in Foster City. It brings me back many beautiful memories. In the US, there is a vast territory,people can preserve the good quality of living space and environment. I guess you and Dad always takes a leisurely walk through the lane.So wonderful!
回覆刪除Hope you can go on a journey in different place these day. Best wishes!