2012年10月31日 星期三

Shopping in Apple Store

Shopping in Apple Store
(New York was destroyed by super hurricane Sandy,no power ,no water,no traffic,no communication,no deal in the Wall Street stock market.terrible!
Nevertheless in California,it's a sunny day.)
Shopping in Apple Store
Reading "Steve Jobs" ,I know the founders of Apple,Face Book,Google living in Palo Alto. My grandchildren know Jeremy Lin growing in here.Coming to
the city is excited.
The site of Apple Store is at Standford Shopping Center in Palo Alto,next to the famous store,a new store Micro Soft fighting against here. Who will win the battle at last?Lots of people in the world want to know.
Apple iphone5,mini iPad,iPad2 are attractive to generations people ,because of easy to learn.Crowded people come in and out in order,trying the new product.The expert young workers serve in patient.People Focus on surfing new things,no noise,no drink ing,diffent from the other traditional stores.To pay the credit card for iPad2 ,the worker signs on the code barer to finish the business quickly.
Shopping in Apple store is an amazing experience to me .This is a new area I never considered before.
( 紐約正遭遇超級颶風桑迪的破壞,沒電,沒水,交通癱瘓,通訊中斷,股票交易停巿。好恐怖!
蘋果iPhone 5,迷你iPad,iPad2 因為容易學習,吸引了各年齡層的人。群眾很有秩序的進進出出,試用新產品,專業的工作人員很有耐性的服務。人們專注的拍滑新東西,安靜無聲也沒人拿飲料,不同於傳統商店的隨性。以信用卡付帳買了iPa2,員工迅速刷了條碼完成交易。

