2013年1月20日 星期日

Sweet- Smelling Fruit- Pineapple

Sweet- Smelling Fruit- Pineapple
When I was a child, a stick of pineapple heart was children's favorite dessert. In the early time, cans of pineapple were the main of Taiwan's export , the hard heart of pineapple to be wasted in canned process. Then the grocers collected them to sell to the children .It was popular for their cheap price and sweet flavor.
Pineapple is a tropical plant producing in southern Taiwan. The fruits are consumed both fresh and cooked ,canned or juiced. Their sweet and special flavor are mixed in making cakes, cookies, ice-cream, jam ,candy and in the wide cuisines. Recently,in Taiwan, the pineapple cookies are the favorite gifts to the tourists and pineapple beer is a really delicious popular new drinks.
Taiwanese called Pineapple which the pronunciation was similar to "Wang- Lai ". People liked the rich name and regarded it as a lucky fruit in worshipping or celebrating. If you like the sweet-smelling fruit and hope to taste the popular food of various kinds of pineapple produce. Welcome to Taiwan.

