A Giant Stone Rolled Down the River
" Long long ago, before I was born, the giant stone stood on the slopping rock depending on a little point. Everyone of our tribe worried about the moment when the giant stone would roll down . Throughout numerous earthquakes and typhoons ,it was hit but still standing here and being known by the whole Taiwanese ." The oldest original people talked about the amazing stone.
July 13/2013, a terrible super Typhoon Soli hit Taiwan , the fifty tons of the stone rolled down the river and lied in bed . Coming to Small Wu-Lai of Taoyuan County ,anybody will be no more worried about the falling giant stone, in the meanwhile will lose to admire the power of the mysterious balance in the nature.
"很久很久以前,早在我出生以前,這巨大的石頭就已站立在傾斜的岩層上,僅靠很小的支撐奌站著。我們部落的每一個人都擔心不知何時這巨石會滾落下來。經歷了數不清的大小地震和颱風,它飽受衝擊但仍屹立在這兒,也聲名遠播全台灣。" 原住民長老談論這個神奇的石頭。